TOP 10 TV SHOWS 2019: The Golden Age Has Arrived
I've done this annual feature list a few times before, focusing on the year's best films. But after slogging through 2019's cinematic contenders, only one really floored me. But on the small screen? The 'golden age of television' was in full goddamn swing, son. I can honestly say that the lion's share of my procrastination this year falls squarely on TV's considerable shoulders...
TWIN PEAKS: The Return—Finale Rant + Series THEORY
I just woke up on the other side of the world. Didn't feed the cat or even have a cup of coffee. Instead, I watched the TWIN PEAKS: The Return finale. And now that it's over? I need to get some (admittedly surreal) shit off my chest—embedded audio AND updated *theory* attached!!
TWIN PEAKS — 10 Wild Theories You NEED to Consider
I think I’ve earned a moment of indulgence — so try to humour an old yarn-spinner in some wild and wooly prognostications as we fall through space, faster and faster, towards what is sure to be the consciousness-altering conclusion of TWIN PEAKS: The Return*!
A lot of you keep asking, 'Hey Brooke, will there ever be a live-action Broken Saints series?' Well, back in the day the concern was always the same — American networks and viewers just weren't ready for the 'limited series' format. But now, thanks to streaming services desperate for original content, it looks like the TV landscape has finally grown up.
It's time for a quick roundup of what went down at yesterday's big TWIN PEAKS announcement, with any and all wide-eyed speculation from yours truly to be taken with girthy licks of salt...even if it's based on very real set reports and caffeinated insider rumblings.
What do you get when you combine an acclaimed psychological cyber-thriller with a recent (and deserved) Best Actor Emmy win for a relative unknown, and then code these into a drug-fuelled lucid dream program of a TV finale being hyped to out-Peaks David Lynch himself? You get five Mr Goddamn ROBOT predictions, that's what...
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