BECOMING: 10th Anniversary Reading and HD Giveaway Special (Graphic Novel)
It's the 10th anniversary of my creepy AF graphic novel BECOMING, so what better way to celebrate in remote lockdown than a suitably spooky reading + video of the original art + hypnotic new music by Owl Cave Dreams? SKIP TO 4:10 to dive straight into the narrated goodness of the first act of the story. If you like what you're seeing and hearing, then drop me a line and maybe we can figure out a way to get an HD PDF of all 98 pages into your grubby virtual paws!
CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS: How a Comic Book Epic Was a Master Class in Storytelling
When I look back at the stories that had a lasting effect during my youth — those that shaped me, and inspired me, and frankly blew the roof off my poor little mind — I'd have to say that one of the defining tales was this 12-issue DC comics epic. For a hick kid with a second-rate movie theatre, a laughably small local library, and six channels on cable? My storytelling could pretty much be summed up as BC and AC: Before Crisis on Infinite Earths...and AFTER it.
AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR — 10 Things That Just Didn't Work (SPOILERS!!!)
Call it clickbait. Call it bandwagoning. Call it contrarianism of the highest order. But there's simply no way I could keep my nerd cred' and stay silent on the cinematic behemoth that is AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR! Check out this bonus podcast + blog version that is sure to get tongues wagging and stir up debates...
The early reactions for JUSTICE LEAGUE are in, and most agree on one upside—the characters, overall, are great! Which helps, because that's what's been missing from the DCEU. I just hope the goodwill carries over to my fav DC hero: GREEN LANTERN. And they CAN make his intro work. Here's how...
The whole 'Black Friday' thing creeps me out something fierce, and is right at the top of my list when it comes to proof of the imminent collapse of civilization. But I USED to be a certifiably crazy collector. A completist. So this post is for you, my fellow 'hunters' — for friends and fans who need to catch 'em all...
Thought I'd share a snippet from a recent interview with a cool book blogger that just got posted. We cover LOTS of ground ( yeah, I'm not just pimping this time :P ), so be sure to click through to the full meal deal at the bottom of this post!
CASE STUDY: Of Games and (going with your) Guts
Unless I became independently wealthy, married rich, or finally donned the crimson robes, 'Service Work' was going to be an ongoing necessity. But never again would I take a gig out of desperation, no matter how shiny it seemed. I could only do it if it felt right. Because whenever I've attempted otherwise? It's always been a case of courting DISASTER...
'RISEN' : A Transmedia Strategy Overview
'BECOMING' to Premiere at SDCC this week!!!
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