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BECOMING: 10th Anniversary Reading and HD Giveaway Special (Graphic Novel)

BECOMING: 10th Anniversary Reading and HD Giveaway Special (Graphic Novel)

It's the 10th anniversary of my creepy AF graphic novel BECOMING, so what better way to celebrate in remote lockdown than a suitably spooky reading + video of the original art + hypnotic new music by Owl Cave Dreams? SKIP TO 4:10 to dive straight into the narrated goodness of the first act of the story. If you like what you're seeing and hearing, then drop me a line and maybe we can figure out a way to get an HD PDF of all 98 pages into your grubby virtual paws!
CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS: How a Comic Book Epic Was a Master Class in Storytelling

CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS: How a Comic Book Epic Was a Master Class in Storytelling

When I look back at the stories that had a lasting effect during my youth — those that shaped me, and inspired me, and frankly blew the roof off my poor little mind — I'd have to say that one of the defining tales was this 12-issue DC comics epic. For a hick kid with a second-rate movie theatre, a laughably small local library, and six channels on cable? My storytelling could pretty much be summed up as BC and AC: Before Crisis on Infinite Earths...and AFTER it.

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