Competition is fierce. Top videogame studios know there's a TON of talent out there vying for that dream game writer gig. (or, in these troubled times, ANY decent work) The solution? A little bit of controversial 'free labour' known as...the WRITING TEST. Now, I've been a game writer and interactive narrative guy since 1997. That's 23 YEARS. Let that sink in for a minute. And even with that slew of storytelling experience, heaps of professional accolades, high-level game writer recommendations, and some acclaimed self-created indie projects? I still get asked, more often than not these days, to 'audition'. Seriously. ..
How Dungeons & Dragons Revealed My True Character
The roots of capital-c Creativity run deep. Mine grew wild and tangled 'til squeezing tight at the sound of rolling dice. Role-playing. Escapism. Fantasy.Call it what you want, son. The rest of us called it...D&D. Dungeons & Dragons pushed my burgeoning imagination in strange and exciting new directions. But, as this story (embedded above and transcribed below) will show, it also taught me something essential about myself...
INTERVIEW: A Creative Career Retrospective w/ EPN (Games, TV, Travel, and MUCH More!)
With just a few days left in my Vancouver visit, I got to sit down for a LIVE interview at Vancouver Film School. And the icing on the cake? It was with old chum and the creator/producer/host (+ damn fine fella, to be sure) of The Electric Playground — VICTOR LUCAS. Gaming! Storytelling! Dirty Words! Travel TV! And SO much more!!!
Over the past year, I've been approached more and more about writing for 'branching narrative' games. Usually it's an established property, with the team leader keen for a different take on the material (which tends to translate as 'Characters and dialogue with more edge, please.')
Hmmm...I think I can do that ;-)
BRANCHING NARRATIVE: Choose Your Adventure!
Whether crafting linear or branching narratives, the end goal remains the same — Emotional Engagement. I've been thinking about this a LOT lately. And that's only natural when app and game and media folks keep wanting to bend your ear and chat 'choose your own adventure stuff'. Something, my friends, is in the air...
MASTER CHEF SPOOF = Game Writing Prompt
Things got hot in the narrative kitchen with a recent request — write a brief (10-15 lines) scene between two contestants and a judge on a Reality TV Cooking show. Yes, Chef!!! (BONUS: my 60min interview with acclaimed Aussie chef ANTONIO BRUNO is embedded for your listening pleasure!)
GAME WRITING: 'Kardashian' Game Meets the Music Industry
In this opening scene for a yet-to-be-announced mobile game (along the lines of the *shudder* blockbuster Kim Kardashian: Hollywood) we meet a wide-eyed musical wannabe. She's fresh off the bus from somewhere in small-town USA, after the fates smiled upon her with a prime busking spot in LA...
PATTERNS = Memos from the Muse
In my creative and my personal life, I see patterns. Something as seemingly random as a rush hour commute with all-green-light intersections takes on prophetic business meaning...
I was contracted for text/dialogue creation, cinematic scripts, and ongoing narrative design consultation for this Vancouver studio's diverse mobile game slate. Titles include action/sci-fi (WARHAMMER: Carnage), niche/casual (Trophy Bingo), and a celebrated global music/entertainment IP. (IRON MAIDEN: Legacy of the Beast)
CASE STUDY: Of Games and (going with your) Guts
Unless I became independently wealthy, married rich, or finally donned the crimson robes, 'Service Work' was going to be an ongoing necessity. But never again would I take a gig out of desperation, no matter how shiny it seemed. I could only do it if it felt right. Because whenever I've attempted otherwise? It's always been a case of courting DISASTER...
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