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Competition is fierce. Top videogame studios know there's a TON of talent out there vying for that dream game writer gig. (or, in these troubled times, ANY decent work) The solution? A little bit of controversial 'free labour' known as...the WRITING TEST. Now, I've been a game writer and interactive narrative guy since 1997. That's 23 YEARS. Let that sink in for a minute. And even with that slew of storytelling experience, heaps of professional accolades, high-level game writer recommendations, and some acclaimed self-created indie projects? I still get asked, more often than not these days, to 'audition'. Seriously. ..
BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA — The Musical! (Project Reveal w/soundtrack)

BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA — The Musical! (Project Reveal w/soundtrack)

This special episode of my podcast takes the first real look at something big that's been brewing the past few years; I'm talking nearly HALF a soundtrack for a no-bullshit bucket list dream — an epic rock opera meets 80's live concert meets kung fu daredevil show on wires!!! So, let's get right to it! And if, like us, you're already a fan of the 1985 action, comedy, supernatural, kung-fu, Carpenter/Russell B-movie masterpiece..?
CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS: How a Comic Book Epic Was a Master Class in Storytelling

CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS: How a Comic Book Epic Was a Master Class in Storytelling

When I look back at the stories that had a lasting effect during my youth — those that shaped me, and inspired me, and frankly blew the roof off my poor little mind — I'd have to say that one of the defining tales was this 12-issue DC comics epic. For a hick kid with a second-rate movie theatre, a laughably small local library, and six channels on cable? My storytelling could pretty much be summed up as BC and AC: Before Crisis on Infinite Earths...and AFTER it.
SHADOWLAND: A Sequel in Progress (Book Update)

SHADOWLAND: A Sequel in Progress (Book Update)

VOLUME 2 in The Shadowland Saga. The sequel to my acclaimed, award-winning debut novel: The Cat's Maw. Whispers from beyond the veil have been a long time coming...and you're just gonna have to wait a little longer. Is it out of fear? Procrastination? Laziness? Writer's block? Perfectionism? Typical 'life' distractions gumming up the gears? All of the above, I reckon. But there's an unexpected reason it's taken so long to muster the confidence to dive back into this epic story.
PODCAST TIME: How an Epic Hike Across Spain Changed the Course of My Career

PODCAST TIME: How an Epic Hike Across Spain Changed the Course of My Career

30 years ago, I first heard of the legendary 900km pilgrimage across Spain — the Camino De Santiago. 10 years ago, after reading The Pilgrimage and The Alchemist by acclaimed author Paulo CoeIho, I made the decision to walk it myself. And in the summer of 2008 -- with a huge career opportunity in the dust and nothing but a 20kg backpack as my companion, I took the first steps on this life-changing journey...

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